Calculation of the structure factor of metals with the complete multiphonon series

It is shown that to a high accuracy (better than 7%) the n-phonon term S(n)(q)(n2), is simply expressed in terms of the exponent of the Debye-Waller factor 2W as Sn(q)=(2W)nn!. This follows from the realization that the multiphonon contribution to the structure factor is mostly incoherent. Based on this result an expression accurate to 0.7% at all temperatures is proposed for the static structure factor SE(q) used in electronic transport calculations, namely: SE(q)=SE(1)(q){1+[SE(1)(q)]1(e2W12W)}e2W. This form is convenient because the right-hand side can be directly computed from experimental phonon dispersion curves. Futhermore, it represents an order-of-magnitude improvement in accuracy over the usual approximation SE(q)=SE(1)(q).