Electronic Specific Heat ofα-Phase Alloys Based on Copper and Silver

Electronic-specific-heat measurements have been made, in the liquid-helium temperature range, in the α-phase fcc solid solutions of the following systems based on Cu or Ag: Cu-Ni, Cu-Zn, Cu-Ga, Cu-Ge, Ag-Ga, Ag-Ge, and Ag-In. An initial increase in the electronic-specific-heat coefficient γ has been observed in all systems on alloying, and the initial electron-concentration derivatives of the density of states at the Fermi level, as indicated by the value of the coefficient [lnN(E)Fz]V are about 0.25 for all systems. The influence of atomic volume, as indicated by the coefficient [lnN(EF)lnV]z, appears to be negligible. At higher solute concentrations, the trend of γ and the limiting Debye temperature ΘD do not superimpose when scaled to the same electron concentration. The above results are discussed in terms of the electronic band structure and the theories that take into account electron-impurity interactions, electron-phonon interactions, and volume effects.