Lack of Dependence of Cerebral Blood Flow on Blood Viscosity after Blood Exchange with a Newtonian O2 Carrier

Whether the increase in cerebral blood flow measured after hemodilution is mediated by a decrease in blood viscosity or in oxygen delivery to the brain is debated. In the present study, blood was replaced by an oxygen-carrying blood substitute, ultrapurified, polymerized, bovine hemoglobin (UPBHB). In contrast to normal blood, UPBHB yields a constant and defined viscosity in the brain circulation, since its viscosity is not dependent on the shear rate. CBF was determined after blood exchange with UPBHB in one group of conscious rats (UPBHB group) and in another group of blood-exchanged conscious rats in which viscosity was increased fourfold by the addition of 2% polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), mw 750,000 (UPBHB-PVP group). Local CBF (LCBF) was measured in 34 brain structures by means of the quantitative iodo(14C)antipyrine method. After blood replacement, systemic parameters such as cardiac index, arterial blood pressure, blood gases, and acid-base status were not different between the UPBHB and the UPBHB-PVP groups. In particular, arterial oxygen content was similar in both groups. Compared with a control group without blood exchange, LCBF was increased after blood exchange in the different brain structures by 60–102% (UPBHB group) and by 33–101% (UPBHB-PVP group). Mean CBF was increased by 77% in the UPBHB group and by 69% in the UPBHB-PVP group. No significant differences were observed in the values of LCBF or mean CBF between the UPBHB group and the UPBHB-PVP group. The results show that a fourfold variation in the viscosity of a Newtonian blood substitute does not result in differences in CBF values. It is concluded that blood viscosity is less important to CBF than hitherto postulated.