Receiver-operating-characteristic study of chest radiographs in children: digital hard-copy film vs 2K x 2K soft-copy images.

Two methods are commonly used to visualize digital radiologic imaging data: (1) hard-copy viewing, in which the digital data are used to modulate the intensity of a laser beam that exposes an analog film and (2) soft-copy viewing, in which the digital data are converted to an analog video signal and presented on a CRT monitor. The film method allows new digital imaging systems to be easily integrated into conventional radiologic management and viewing methods. The second method, soft-copy viewing, allows digital imaging data to be managed and viewed electronically in a picture archiving and communication system (PACS). These PACS systems are hypothesized to have improved operational efficiency and enhanced image-analysis capabilities. The quality of soft-copy images is still not widely accepted. This article reports on the results of a large-scale receiver-operating-characteristic study comparing observers' performance in detecting various pediatric chest abnormalities on soft-copy 2048 x 2048K byte displays with their performance with digital laser-printed film from computed radiography. The disease categories studied were pneumothorax, linear atelectasis, air bronchogram, and interstitial disease. The selected data set included 239 images; 77 contained no proved abnormality and 162 contained one or more of the abnormalities mentioned. Seven pediatric radiologists participated in the study, two as judges and five as observers. Our results show no significant difference between viewing images on digital hard copy and soft copy for the detection of pneumothoraces and air bronchograms. A slight performance edge for soft copy was seen for interstitial disease and linear atelectasis. This result indicates that computed chest radiographs in children viewed in a soft-copy PACS environment should result in diagnoses similar to or slightly more accurate than those obtained in a laser-printed film-based environment.

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