The mechanism by which recA (Srf) mutations (recA2020 and recA801) suppress the deficiency in postreplication repair shown by recF mutants of Escherichia coli was studied in UV-irradiated uvrB and uvrA recB recC sbcB cells. The recA (Srf) mutations partially suppressed the UV radiation sensitivity of uvrB recF, uvrB recF recB, and uvrA recB recC sbcB recF cells, and they partially restored the ability of uvrB recF and uvrA recB recC sbcB recF cells to repair DNA daughter-strand gaps. In addition, the recA (Srf) mutations suppressed the recF deficiency in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in UV-irradiated uvrA recB recC sbcB recF cells. The recA2020 and recA801 mutations do not appear to affect the synthesis of UV radiation-induced proteins, nor do they appear to produce an altered RecA protein, as detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. These results are consistent with the suggestion (M. R. Volkert and M. A. Hartke, J. Bacteriol. 157:498-506, 1984) that the recA (Srf) mutations do not act by affecting the induction of SOS responses; rather, they allow the RecA protein to participate in the recF-dependent postreplication repair processes without the need of the RecF protein.