Control of sodium excretion by angiotensin II: intrarenal mechanisms and blood pressure regulation

Angiotensin II (ANG II) is one of the body's most powerful regulators of Na excretion, operating through extrarenal mechanisms, such as stimulation of aldosterone secretion, as well as intrarenal mechanisms. Considerable evidence suggests that the intrarenal actions of ANG II are quantitatively more important than changes in aldosterone secretion in the normal day-to-day regulation of Na balance and arterial pressure. ANG II at physiological concentrations increases proximal tubular reabsorption, but further studies are needed to determine whether ANG II also has an important effect on more distal tubular segments. ANG II also markedly constricts efferent arterioles, tending to increase Na reabsorption by altering peritubular capillary physical forces and also helping to prevent excessive decreases in glomerular filtration rate. ANG II may also decrease Na excretion and increase urine concentrating ability by reducing renal medullary blood flow. Regulation of Na excretion by ANG II is closely linked with arterial pressure control and volume homeostasis through the renal pressure natriuresis mechanism. Under many physiological conditions, such as changes in Na intake, ANG II greatly multiplies the effectiveness of the pressure natriuresis mechanism to prevent fluctuations in body fluid volume and arterial pressure. In circumstances associated with circulatory depression, such as decreased cardiac function, reductions in blood pressure and increased ANG II formation cause Na retention until arterial pressure is restored to normal. However, in pathophysiological conditions in which ANG II is inappropriately elevated, increased arterial pressure (hypertension) is required for the kidney to "escape" the potent antinatriuretic actions of ANG II and to return Na excretion to normal via the pressure natriuresis mechanism.