Polymorphisms in the human X-linked pyruvate dehydrogenase E1? gene

Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1α deficiency is an X-chromosome-linked disorder, often with fatal consequences. We have searched for genetically useful polymorphisms in or near this gene. No restriction fragment length polymorphisms were detected using a battery of 36 different restriction enzymes and probing with a fulllength cDNA fragment, or two single-copy genomic fragments located within intron 8, and 15 kb 3′ of the coding region, respectively. The chemical cleavage method was then applied to the detection of base changes in or near the gene. One polymorphism was found in exon 8 of the coding region. However, no base changes were detected in intron 3 or in the part of intron 8 covered by fragment gB2. Three blocks of microsatellite DNA containing variable numbers of CA-repeats were isolated from the 5′ end of the gene and characterized. Length polymorphisms in these microsatellite DNAs were analysed using the polymerase chain reaction. Although the three loci are tightly linked, the polymorphisms appear not to be in disequilibrium, making them useful markers in linkage studies of the pyruvate dehydrogenase E1α gene. Of 31 females analysed 12 (39%) were heterozygous for at least one length polymorphism of the three (CA)n alleles.