Current Status of Automated Perimetry

At the American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting in 1978, we presented a set of goals for future development in automated perimetry.1The following are those goals with a few revisions: Precise detection and assessment of all forms of visual field loss in conjunction with a clinically acceptable false-positive rate. Accurate monitoring of progressive visual field loss. Standardization of stimulus conditions for various test procedures with easily interpreted data representation. Electronic monitoring of eye movements. Reduction in examination time. Administration of testing procedures by individuals with little or no perimetric training. A reliable machine at a reasonable purchase price. See also pp 339, 395 and 398. It has been about seven years since these goals were presented, and automated perimetry has undergone tremendous growth during that time. Has the automated perimetry industry successfully achieved these goals? In this editorial, we will briefly review the progress of automated perimetry for each