Über die Gärung des Zuckers durch Coli-Aerogenes-Bakterien. I.

Ten strains of the coli-aerogenes group were grown on synthetic media, centrifuged and washed, giving; a preparation containing 80% moisture. These were incubated for 20 days at 37[degree] C in a synthetic broth containing (NH4)2SO4, sugar, salts, and CaCO3 to preserve neutrality. Lactic acid production varied with the strain and was generally small. Experiments using more bacteria and shortening the time of incubation showed less lactic acid production under aerobic than under anaerobic conditions. That this was not due to a difference in the mechanism of fermentation was shown by control experiments with calcium lactate, which showed a disappearance of lactic acid under aerobic, but not under anaerobic conditions, and of the same order of magnitude as in the above experiment. The authors conclude, contrary to the findings of other workers, that bacteria of the coli-aerogenes group contain co-zymase.

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