Physiological Changes in Human Transjejunal Potential Difference

Wingate, D. L., Hayward, M. G., Johnson, Cecilia M., Marczewski, A. G., Petty, R. G. & Wilson, Elizabeth T. Physiological changes in human trans-jejunal potential difference. Scand. J. Gastroent. 1973, 8, 473-478. Transjejunal electric potential difference was measured in healthy adults by means of a technique allowing normal activity during prolonged study periods. In the fasting subject, potential difference (p.d.) was between +2 and -2 millivolts. Transient elevations in potential difference were produced by intraluminal injection of small amounts of glucose at the intraluminal electrode tip. Feeding induced sustained elevation of the p.d. up to 10 mil-livolts (lumen negative). The results of the study suggest that changes in p.d. may be used to follow intestinal absorptive and motor function following normal feeding.