Pharmacologically induced ultrastructural and lmmunohistochemical changes in the prostate of the castrated dog

The effects of an aromatase inhibitor and of an antiandrogen on the ultrastructure and the expression of a secretory protein (acid phosphatase) and marker proteins for basal cells (keratin) and fibroblasts (vimentin) were studied in the prostate of castrated, androstenedi-one-treated dogs. Androstenedione treatment partially restored the normal appearance of the gland and also some secretory activity. In the central portion of the gland, basal cell hyperplasia developed instead of secretory activity after androstenedione treatment. Administration of the aromatase inhibitor reduced the number of secretory cells but did not completely suppress the latter. There was some proliferation of the connective tissue surrounding the atrophic acini. Combined treatment with aromatase inhibitor and antiandrogen resulted in a general atrophy of prostatic acini that was less intense relative to the changes observed after castration. Resi dual secretory activity, detected in specimens treated exclusively with aromatase inhibitor, were lacking after combined treatment. The influence of all regimens on the ultrastructure of smooth muscle cells was comparably discrete, whereas regional differences in the arrangement pattern of the epithelium and the fibromuscular stroma were impressive. The ultrastructural findings support previous results of a synergic inhibitory effect of aromatase inhibitor and antiandrogens on the canine prostate.