First-principles study ofSi34xGexclathrates: Direct wide-gap semiconductors in Si-Ge alloys

Energetics and electronic states of Si34xGex clathrate alloys have been investigated. The atomistic structures, the equations of state, and the lineup of band structures for these clathrates are calculated using the Vanderbilt ultra-soft pseudopotential method within the local-density-functional formalism. Some of these Si34xGex clathrate alloys with an ideal Fd3¯m symmetry are found to have direct band gap at the π/a(111) (L) point in the Brillouin zone. The entire band gap of the Si34xGex alloys is predicted to range between 1.2 and 2.0 eV. The total-energy difference between these clathrate alloys and the well-known sp3 Si-Ge alloys is less than 0.08 eV/atom. A method to synthesize these clathrate systems is also discussed. These Si-Ge clathrate alloys may find applications in optoelectronics semiconductor devices based on the Group-IV elements.