Histochemical demonstration of collagen fibers in ascorbic-acid-fed cell cultures

Nine cultures of fibroblast cell types and 13 epithelial-like cell types were maintained for 1 week in media supplemented with L-asborbic acid (50 μg per ml). All fibroblast-like cultures produced extracellular fibers that stained positively by a silver-impregnation reticulin stain. Nine of the 13 epithelial-like cultures produced fibers that stained positively for reticulin. Nearly all cultures not supplemented with ascorbic acid showed no fiber staining. Those few lines that stained positively for reticulin in the absence of ascorbic-acid supplementation demonstrated only slight reticulin formation. Reticulin from one fibroblast culture and one epithelial culture was examined by electron microscopy, and the silver-impregnated fibrils were morphologically identical to collagen. The reticulin was digestible with collagenase, providing further evidence that the silver-impregnation reticulin stain identifies collagen in culture. The demonstration of collagen can be performed easily in histology laboratories using Formalin-fixed cells, and provides a means of assaying a functional property of cells in culture which is characteristic of connective tissue fibroblasts in general as well as certain specialized epithelia.