Second-look laparotomy in epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Prognostic factors associated with survival duration

This article that reports on 70 consecutive patients is one of only a few studies of advanced ovarian cancer that have attempted to define predictive factors associated with survival duration after second-look laparotomy. As in many other investigations, several factors have been analyzed for predicting second-look outcome. The prognostic variables analyzed in this study included age, stage, histologic grade, residual disease status after initial surgery, and type (cisplatin versus no cisplatin) and number of cycles of chemotherapy. Only stage (P = 0.002) and optimal disease (less than 2 cm residual tumor size) after initial surgery (P < 0.001) were significantly associated with the absence of disease at second-look laparotomy, and both were significant predictors of second-look outcome in a multivariate logistic regression model. Their impact on actuarial survival after second-look laparotomy diminished, however. Actuarial survival after second-look laparotomy was associated with residual tumor size at second-look surgery (P = 0.02). According to second-look findings, the 3-year actuarial survival rates and standard errors were as follows: no pathologic evidence of disease, 80.7% ± 13.4% 3-year survival; microscopic disease plus less than or equal to 2 cm residual disease, 49.1% ± 13.1% survival; and gross residual disease (i.e., greater than 2 cm maximum tumor diameter), 29.5% ± 11.4% survival. We also examined the effect of extensive tumor resection at second-look laparotomy on survival for patients with greater than 2 cm gross residual disease. Optimum resection (less than 2 cm residual tumor mass) resulted in significantly greater survival than suboptimum resection (P < 0.001). This strongly suggests that there is a survival advantage associated with optimum resection at second-look laparotomy.

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