Substance over Style: Assessing the Efficacy of Modality Testing and Teaching

The techniques of meta-analysis were used to arrive at a quantitative synthesis of findings from 39 studies searching for aptitude-treatment interactions. The primary findings indicated that neither modality assessment nor modality instruction were efficacious. When subjects were assessed to ascertain modality preferences, considerable overlap was found between groups exhibiting a modality preference and those not exhibiting such a preference. Modality preference groups were not as clearly differentiated as assumed. With respect to instruction, no benefits accrued to subjects taught by methods matched to their modality preferences. When compared to control subjects receiving no special instruction, the subjects in the modality preference groups receiving differential instruction exhibited only modest gains. In sum, no empirical support was rendered for the modality model. It was concluded that, although intuitively appealing, the modality model should be dismissed and efforts be directed at enhancing general instructional methodology.