The nature and distribution of forms of sulfur within the soil profile was studied in a climo-toposequence of soils from Saskatchewan. Total and soluble (CaCl2-extractable) inorganic SO4= generally increased with horizon depth. Calcium carbonate-associated SO4= accounted for up to 42% of subsoil S. Organic S decreased significantly with depth, as did the proportion of organic S occurring as organic SO4=. Amounts of total S, in surface and subsurface horizons generally increased from upper to lower slope positions. Organic SO4= in the surface horizons, as a proportion of the total S, decreased from upper to lower slope positions and across a narrow environmental gradient going from the arid Brown Chernozemic soils in the southwest to the more humid Gray Luvisols in the northeast. Key words: Total S, organic SO4=, CaCl2-extractable SO4=, HCl-extractable SO4=, profile distribution

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