Psychological disturbance in fibromyalgia: Relation to pain severity

Fibromyalgia is a form of nonarticular rheumatism characterized by musculoskeletal aching and tenderness on palpation. The role of psychological factors in fibromyalgia has been controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship of fibromyalgia to the intensity of anxiety and depression and to determine the correlation between psychological disturbances with disease duration and pain severity. Thirty-nine patients with fibromyalgia and 36 healthy controls were included in this study. Beck depression inventory, State and trait anxiety inventory and Beck hopelessness scale were used to evaluate psychological disturbances. Visual analog scale was used to determine pain intensity. We found a significant difference in the psychological status between patients with fibromyalgia and control subjects as measured by Beck depression inventory and trait anxiety inventory; 35.9% of the patients scored higher than the cut-off score on the Beck depression rating scale. Pain severity was found to be correlated with trait anxiety inventory scores. These results suggest that somatic expression of depression is an important difference between fibromyalgia and control groups. The difference between state and trait anxiety inventory reflects that current anxiety is not secondary to pain but trait anxiety is possibly causally related to pain.