Primary structure of horse erythrocyte glycophorin HA. its amino acid sequence has a unique homology with those of human and porcine erythrocyte glycophorins

The complete amino acid sequence of the major sialoglycoproteins of horse erythrocyte membranes, glycophorin HA, was determined by manual sequencing methods, using tryptic, chymotryptic, and cyanogen bromide fragments. Glycophorin HA is a polypeptide chain of 120 amino acid residues and contains 10 oligosaccharide units attached to the amino-terminal side of the molecule. Its amino terminus is pyroglutamic acid. All of the oligosaccharides are linked O-glycosidically to threonine or serine residues. The amino acid sequence is consistent with the transmembrane orientation of glycophorins. There is no significant homology between the glycosylated domains of horse, human, and porcine glycophorins, but there is a considerable homology between the hydrophobic domains of the three glycophorins, which interact with the lipid bilayer of the erythrocyte membrane.