Cytotoxic lymphocyte-derived lytic granules do not induce DNA fragmentation in target cells.

When target cells are exposed to CTL, they very quickly sustain nuclear damage, including DNA cleavage, and then they lyse. Nuclear damage of this type is not seen when cells are killed by antibody and C. The role of nuclear damage in the T cell-mediated killing process as well as the mechanism by which the killer cell induces this damage are unknown; however, accumulating evidence suggests that cytolysis may depend on induction of nuclear damage. The exocytosed contents of CTL granules are thought by many workers to mediate target cell lysis. We have now determined whether lytic granules also induce nuclear damage (DNA fragmentation) in cells which they lyse. They do not. In addition, no DNA fragmentation was detected in nuclei incubated with lytic granules or activated CTL. In summary, our results suggest that target cell DNA fragmentation induced by CTL is mediated neither by lytic granules nor by a CTL-derived endonuclease and support the view that the target cell is itself responsible for the internal damage it sustains.