Malumfashi Endemic Diseases Research Project, XX

Population studies were undertaken as part of the Endemic Diseases Research Project at Malumfashi, northern Nigeria, 1974–1978. This paper is concerned with estimates of mortality. Analyses of prospective registration data indicate under-reporting of deaths and so reliance is placed on estimates derived from the application of indirect techniques to retrospective enumeration data. Twenty-seven per cent of all reported deaths were amongst infants and 64% of deaths occurred during the wet season. Estimates of infant and child mortality are spliced together with estimates of adult mortality to produce a current model life table for Malumfashi. The table suggests an infant mortality rate of 170%‰ and a total mortality in the first five years of life of about 320 per thousand live births. There is some indication that infant mortality has fallen from well over 200%‰ in recent years. This may have resulted in part from the establishment of mother and child health clinics in the area. All data point to a higher expectation of life for women than men. Moderately heavy overall mortality is suggested by a crude death rate of 26%‰. The crude rate of natural increase is probably about 2–9%.

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