Because of the reports of the inhibitory action of corticosteroids on wound healing, many eye surgeons have hesitated to use them during the immediate postoperative period and have been reluctant to perform corneal surgery on patients who are under steroid therapy. Others, however, are of the opinion that steroids do not prevent corneal healing when used within the therapeutic dosage. In histologic studies, Ashton and Cook1observed inhibition of healing in perforating corneal lesions in rabbits treated with a high dose of cortisone subconjunctivally. Newell and Dixon2studied the healing process of penetrating corneal grafts in rabbits both clinically and microscopically and found that cortisone given subconjunctivally delayed wound healing through failure of fibroblastic proliferation. By testing the tensile strength of the incisions and by histological sections, Palmerton3showed that topically administered cortisone caused inhibition of healing of penetrating corneal wounds in rabbits. McDonald and coworkers4