Performance of Winged Bean (Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus(L.) DC.) in Nigeria

Winged beans were grown at Ibadan (sub-humid) and Onne (humid) under different management practices. The plants took about 11 days to emerge from the soil but this period could be shortened by soaking the seed in water or pregermination prior to sowing provided the soil was moist at planting. Staking (minimum 1 m) was essential for high yields and a woody legume, Leucaena leucocephala, could replace trellis, and also improved seedling emergence and soil fertility. All cultivars tested at Ibadan showed a delay of about 30 days in flowering when planted in April compared with September. At Ibadan yields up to 2400 kg ha-1 or 11 kg ha-1 d-1 were obtained, but soybean outyielded winged bean. At Onne winged bean was the most promising among six species of grain legumes with respect to nodulation, pest and disease resistance, resistance to field weathering and yield.

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