Reconstruction After Total Laryngopharyngectomy

• After resection of a hypopharyngeal cancer, utilization of the remaining pharyngeal mucosa in restoring pharyngoesophageal continuity is the procedure of choice. This is possible in most patients. However, a few patients have cancers that involve the posterior pharyngeal wall and esophageal introitus. Resection in this group involves complete removal of a segment of the laryngopharynx and reconstruction with the use of tissue from the adjacent side of the neck, chest, or alimentary canal. Between 1965 and 1974, 44 patients required reconstruction of a pharyngeal defect with the use of adjacent skin flaps or visceral interposition. Pharyngeal reconstruction with the use of these techniques involved multiple operative procedures, a greater morbidity, and a large time investment by the patient and surgeon. Survival of these patients was shorter than survival of patients who had repair by primary closure of the pharyngeal mucosa because of the extent of the primary lesions. (Arch Otolaryngol 105:417-422, 1979)