A Comparative Study of GaN Epitaxy on Si(001) and SI(111) Substrates

Epitaxial GaN films were grown on Si(001) and (111) substrates, using a two-step process. The films on Si(001) are single crystalline having the zincblende strucutrue, while those on Si(111) have the wurtzite structure. The crystalline qualities of the films were studied by X-ray diffraction. While the zincblende GaN has a perfect cubic structure, the wurtzitic GaN on Si(111) has a considerable amount of stacking faults along (0002) direction, which gives rise to significant zincblende component with (111) orientation. Room temperature resistivity for both type of GaN films was found to be larger than 100 Ω· cm. The temperature dependence of th resistivity gives a defect level at HOmeV for wurtzitic GaN and 80meV for cubic GaN. Optical studies show that GaN on Si(001) has a gap 3.2eV, and GaN on Si(111) has a gap of 3.4eV at room temperature.