Light Scattering from Magnons and Excitons in RbCoF3

We have determined the energies and linewidths of excitons and of one- and two-magnon states in the antiferromagnetic perovskite RbCoF3, by laser-light scattering experiments. Because Co2+ ions at octahedral sites have orbital angular momenta which are unquenched by the crystal field, the magnetic excitons in RbCoF3 are not pure spin waves, but posses an orbital character. We have measured the energies and widths of such excitons as functions of temperature from 4 °K to above the Néel temperature TN=(101±2) °K. The results are compared with pure-spin systems, such as FeF2 and MnF2, and with the known temperature dependence of the RbCoF3 sublattice magnetization. For the magnon-pair scattering, a moment analysis of the line shape has been performed from 4 °K to 1.3TN; the results are in qualitative agreement with those of Brya et al. on MnF2. Measurement of the energies and selection rules for high-energy (1000-cm1) excitons has allowed us to conclude that the spin-orbit parameter (λ146 cm1) is about equal to that in KCoF3. By comparison, the magnon-pair energy (336 cm1 at 4 °K) indicates that the exchange constant (J9 cm1) is about 15% less than in KCoF3, in good agreement with the ratio of Néel temperatures for the two isomorphs. The magnon energy is observed to renormalize very rapidly with increasing temperature (31 cm1 at 4 °K to 17 cm1 at 70 °K), more rapidly by far than the sublattice magnetization. The tetragonal lattice distortion at TN is inferred to be unrelated to "soft"-phonon modes, but to arise instead from a Jahn-Teller distortion; Kanamori's theory of Jahn-Teller effects in crystals such as CoO and RbCoF3 with unquenched orbital angular momentum gives the right sign and magnitude for the (ac)a distortion.