Selected double-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides have been used to probe, at the molecular level, DNA chain breakages induced by the chemical nuclease mesotetrakis(4-N- methylpyridiniumyl)porphyrinatomanganeseIII pentaacetate/KHSO5. The results show that cleavage selectively occurs on the two 3' sides of three contiguous A.T base pairs (an A.T triplet). Hydroxylation at 5' carbon of the deoxyribose targets represents the initial damage on the sugar-phosphodiester backbone and leaves a 3' phosphate and a 5' aldehyde at the ends. The fragments were separated by HPLC and unambiguously identified through chemical and biochemical reactions and/or sequencing after enzymatic conversion to mononucleosides. Also studied was the degradation of a 22-nucleotide DNA molecule containing two A.T triplets. Gel electrophoresis analyses on the corresponding 5'-32P-end-labeled substrate supported the above cleavage specificity and mechanism.