Guidelines for Diabetic Foot Care

Foot infection is the most common reason for hospital admission of patients with diabetes in the United States. Foot ulceration leads to deep infection, sepsis, and lower extremity amputation. Prophylactic foot care has been shown to decrease patient morbidity, decrease the utilization of expensive resources, and decrease the risk for amputation and premature death. The Diabetes Committee of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society has developed guidelines for implementing this type of prophylactic foot care. The guidelines are arranged as follows: Screening for Patients Who Are at Risk for Developing Diabetic Foot Complications Risk Factors Components of Screening and Examination Patient Education Basic Treatment Guidelines Risk Categories Nail Care Ulcer Care Referral Guidelines Vascular Surgery Consultation Orthopaedic Consultation Endocrinologist/Diabetologist Consultation Infectious Disease Consultation Radiologic Consultation Pedorthic Consultation Resources