Choroidal metastasis of carcinoma is still rare, according to published reports. Statistics as to the relative frequency of metastatic carcinoma of the choroid are notoriously unreliable, since they represent one man's or one clinic's experience only. Thus, Uhthoff1gave the ratio of patients with this condition to patients with ocular conditions as 1: 30,000, while Sattler2reported a ratio of 1: 300,000. Stallard3reported 6 cases described in the records of Moorfields Hospital, a ratio of 1: 147,000. It has been suggested that the condition is much more frequent than has been reported, since such metastasis must occur often in terminal stages of carcinomatosis and therefore be overlooked. Against this suggestion is Michaïl's4report of 1 case of this condition in 48,000 eyes examined microscopically. However, reports of cases are becoming more frequent. Whether this represents an actual increase of the incidence of choroidal