Autonomic effector responses to stimulation of nucleus fastigius

1. In anaesthetized cats electrical stimulation of the nucleus fastigius caused cardiovascular responses, electrodermal responses of the paws and pupil dilation with retraction of the nictitating membranes.2. The cardiovascular responses included rise of arterial pressure and peripheral vasoconstriction. Increase of pulse pressure and tachycardia also occurred.3. The effects of sympathetic blocking drugs indicate that fastigial stimulation causes sympathetic discharge to the heart and to the peripheral vessels. There was no evidence of alteration of vagal activity.4. Fastigial stimulation inhibited reflex bradycardia due to carotid sinus distension, vagal afferent stimulation or phenyl diguanide.5. Fastigial and hypothalamic influences on cardiovascular responses could be evoked after severing the nervous pathways connecting the two.6. The pressor response to fastigial stimulation was still present after bilateral division of the carotid sinus and vagus nerves.