Membrane competition homology experiments were used to compare Bacteroides uniformis and Bacteroides vulgatus isolates obtained from fecal samples from different individuals and isolates obtained from fecal samples of single individuals. Isolates of B. uniformis , when isolated from different individuals, had interstrain deoxyribonucleic acid homology values that ranged from 63 to 95%, with most of the values being in the 70 to 85% range. When isolates obtained from a single individual were compared, each species was represented by one or two groups of very closely related organisms, with each group having essentially 100% interstrain homology. When strains from two groups were compared with each other, the homology values were in the same range as when organisms were isolated from different individuals. Isolates which have nearly 100% homology with each other persisted in fecal samples collected over a 5- to 6-month period. It appears that the colon of each person may be populated by bacterial strains that are specific for that individual. Somatic antigen serotyping has been used as an indicator for specific Escherichia coli strains in fecal samples. Two isolates having the same O, K, and H antigens had 99% homology, but when only O and H antigens were in common, the homology values were in the 70 to 85% range. It seems that isolates of a given serotype, when isolated from a single individual, may represent a unique strain, but isolates of a given serotype, when isolated from different individuals, probably do not.