Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Pediatric Abdominal Trauma

• A retrospective review was conducted to determine the clinical reliability of computed tomography(ic) (CT) in the initial evaluation of pediatric blunt abdominal trauma. Sixty patients underwent CT with infusion over the two-year study period. Seventeen injuries were identified by CT scans in 12 patients. Injuries included splenic hematoma, hepatic injury, duodenal hematoma, traumatic pancreatitis, retroperitoneal hematoma, renal pelvis laceration, and perinephric hematoma. Three patients required abdominal exploration and CT findings were confirmed in these cases. Other diagnostic studies (nuclear imaging, ultrasonography, upper gastrointestinal tract studies) that were obtained in some patients also confirmed the CT findings. Patients who had normal CT scans had unremarkable hospital courses, and none required reevaluation for missed injury. Only two CT scans were inadequate due to motion artifact. (Arch Surg1986;121:703-707)

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