Spectroscopy ofF16from theO16(p,n)F16reaction at 99 and 135 MeV

We measured neutron energy spectra and extracted angular distributions for eleven separate transitions for the O16(p,n)F16 reaction at 99.1 and 135.2 MeV. Several new spin and parity assignments are obtained for states in F16 by comparison of the excitation energy spectra with known analog states in O16 and with a shell-model prediction and by analysis of the neutron angular distributions. The most strongly-excited states are two 2 states at Ex=0.40±0.05 and 7.6±0.1 MeV, a 4 state at 6.37±0.05 MeV, and two broad 1 states at 9.4±0.1 and 11.5±0.1 MeV. These states are analogs of known 2 (M2) states, a 4 "stretched" state, and 1 (E1) strength, respectively, in O16. Three weakly excited 1+ states are observed at Ex=3.75±0.05, 4.65±0.05, and 6.23±0.05 MeV. These states are analogs of known 1+ (M1) states in O16 and directly indicate correlations in the ground state of O16. A weakly excited 4 state is seen at 5.93±0.05 MeV in good agreement with a 4 state observed in O16 (e,e) measurements. All of the most strongly excited states align (to within ±200 keV) with known T=1 analog states in O16 for a common net displacement energy of 12.6 MeV. The (p,n) reaction at medium energies is shown to be an important spectroscopic tool.