Disappearance of Isotopically Labeled Gold Colloids from the Circulation of the Dog

Immediately following intraven. injn. of radloactlvely labeled colloidal gold particles in the dog the circulatory level drops exponentially with time, the half value time (T1/2) being about 1.5 min. Low residual level is reached in 10-20 min. showing occasional fluctuations. High activity is then found in the liver (Sheppard, Wells, Hahn and Goodell, Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med. 32:274). Inserting reasonable values into the formula T1/2 = 0.69B/KQ, where B is the total blood volume, Q the rate of blood supply to the liver and K the fraction removed on a single passage through the organ (assumed as unity), an entirely reasonable result is obtained for the liver blood supply rate.