The presence of subunits in chloroplast membranes is suggested by polarization, fluorescence, and X‐ray studies. Subunits (quantasomes) may be observed in the electron microscope on dried shadowed membranes and in replicas of membranes produced by the freeze‐etching technique. Regular subunits are also observed with the electron microscope in thin sections of chloroplast membranes. Chemical considerations suggest that many membranes are composed of lipoprotein subunits. Thin sections reveal two types of chloroplast membranes, the fret membranes composed of one layer of subunits, and the partitions composed of two layers of subunits. Chloroplast membranes consist of about 45% protein and 55% lipid. Some 80% of the lipids are the highly surfactant glycolipids. In this paper the subunits are visualized as assymetric lipoproteins, probably having a protein core surrounded by components determined by the nature and environment of the membrane. Since the stroma, fret channels, and loculi contain aqueous materials, it is further postulated that the membranes bordering these spaces bind the highly surfactant glycolipids. The region between the two rows of subunits in the partition appears to be highly hydrophobic, rich in chlorophyll, and low in glycolipids. Some chlorophyll also may occur within the subunits both in the partitions and in the fret membranes. Since four subunits appear to comprise a quantasome, at least two types of forces, inter‐ and intra‐quantasome forces, bind the subunits together in sheets. Chloroplast membranes thus differ from a “unit membrane” in two important respects: (1) they must be an aggregate of globular subunits, and (2) the lipoprotein subunits consist of a protein matrix which binds the chlorophylls and lipids by hydrophobic association with their hydrocarbon moieties.

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