Measuring dietary intake in children and adolescents in the context of overweight and obesity

Dietary intake throughout childhood is a key determinant of growth and development and has an important role in both the prevention and treatment of childhood overweight and obesity. Although dietary intake assessment is fraught with challenges and limitations, reporting intake remains an important research outcome if dietary recommendations to promote healthy weight are to be refined. The aims of this paper are to review current dietary intake assessment methodologies for children, to identify their biases and provide guidance on how these can be addressed to improve reporting of dietary intakes of overweight children in the literature and to identify future research priorities. Knowledge of the methodological aspects of studies examining dietary intake a priori in the context of obesity will assist researchers in improving the quality of dietary data collected and reported and facilitate publication of both dietary intake and nutrition outcomes in the context of body weight. This will help to develop a strong evidence base against which to evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition interventions for both the prevention and treatment of pediatric obesity.