Functional and physicochemical studies of hemoglobin St. Louis beta 28 (B10) Leu replaced by Gln: a variant with ferric beta heme iron.

Studies have been performed on a 20-yr-old man exhibiting methemoglobinemia and a severe hemolytic anemia involving formation of Heinz bodies. This condition was due to an abnormal Hb present in the red cells of the proband: Hb St. Louis, beta 28 (B10) replaced by Gln, whose structural characteristics have been previously reported. This unstable Hb represented 30% of the total and was isolated by starch block electrophoresis at pH 8.6. Electrophoretic and spectral studies showed Hb St. Louis to be a valency hybird, alpha 2 beta 2+. The presence of hemichrome in this Hb was detected by electron paramagnetic resonance studies. During this study, an electrophoretic technique was developed that allows study of the mobility of hemichrome. Oxygen equilibria performed on purified Hb St. Louis revealed a high oxygen affinity and a markedly reduced cooperativity. The Bohr effect was normal, but the interaction of this hemoglobin with 2,3-diphosphoglycerate was decreased. The oxidation rate of Hb St. Louis was normal. Hb St. Louis was completely reduced by dithionite and ferrous citrate, and the functional properties of this reduced form were normal. In contrast, Hb St. Louis was only partially reduced by diaphorase. The mechanism of the oxidation of Hb St. Louis therefore appears to differ markedly from that postulated for other Hbs M.