Anthrax in the United States

Anthrax is not as serious a problem as it was 20 yrs. ago. This article reviews the present status of anthrax in the U. S. both in man and in animals. Most of the anthrax that occurs is attributed to occupational exposure either in hair or wool-handling industries or among agric. workers and veterinarians. During the period 1945 and 1951, 375 human cases were reported. The article reviews the epidemiology of many of these cases. The occurrence of animal anthrax is reviewed for the period 1945-1951 including the severe epizootic in Louisiana which affected 3000 animals in 1946 and the large swine outbreaks in central U. S. A. in 1951. The article also raises a number of public health questions among which are how should milk be handled from infected premises, what should be done with meat animals from infected farms, what steps can be taken to prevent occupational diseases and what procedures are recommended to prevent animal disease outbreaks so as to remove any threat to public health.