The effect of stocking rate and lick supplementation on the performance of lactating beef cows and its impact on Highland Sourveld

The Highland Sourveld of Natal is an important beef producing area. Although it covers only 13% of the total area of the province, it supports 18% of the beef cattle population. The performance of cows and their calves stocked at four stocking rates on Highland Sourveld was studied. Two stocking rates were duplicated to test the benefit of an energy lick against a mineral lick. The effect of stocking rate on the veld was monitored in terms of compositional change. Stocking rate significantly affected cow performance and consequently calf performance. An energy lick supplement, as opposed to a mineral lick supplement, was beneficial at the 1,0 LSU/ha stocking rate, but not at the 1,67 LSU/ha stocking rate. The composition of the veld in the low to moderately stocked treatments changed relatively little, over the recording period, whilst the very high stocking rate treatments showed a rapid delcine in veld composition score.