SUMMARY: The effects of feeding site of Sitobion avenae and Metopolophium dirhodum on grain weight, number and nitrogen content were investigated in the laboratory and in the field. When the latter species was confined to particular leaves in a growth room, grain weight reductions occurred only when the aphid fed on the flag leaf; reductions in percentage grain protein, but not grain weight, followed lower leaf feeding. Leaves which had borne aphids had a higher proportion of nitrogen at death than control leaves, but this explained little of the shortfall in grain nitrogen, which was mainly due to direct removal during aphid feeding.Multiple regressions of grain weight on aphid species/feeding site in the field confirmed the lack of grain weight effects when lower leaves were colonised; because grain size was greatly reduced by aphid feeding, percentage grain nitrogen increased with increasing aphid density in one cultivar and in others was unchanged. Successive comparison of control grain weights with those from tillers bearing an increasing range of aphid densities resulted in a significant reduction in weight with tillers bearing 21 to 25 aphid units on their ear and flag leaf combined, one unit comprising one adult or fourth‐instar aphid or three of earlier instars. These and other factors affecting the nature and extent of cereal aphid damage are discussed.