The optimal use of very young cadaveric kidneys (from donors less than 4 years old) remains controversial. High rates of technical complications and poor functional results compared with adult donor kidneys have been reported. The use of en bloc transplantation to overcome these problems has been advocated, although en bloc transplantation halves the number of potential transplants from very young donors. We studied the technical and functional results of 91 transplants from very young donors performed at our institution between 1984 and 1995. This included 59 single and 22 en bloc procedures involving first transplants and 7 single and 3 en bloc procedures involving retransplantation. Individual surgeon preference dictated the use of either the single or en bloc technique. Kidneys smaller than 6 cm tended to be transplanted en bloc, and lighter patients were generally given preference for receiving pediatric kidneys. Patients received sequential cyclosporine-based quadruple immunosuppression. En bloc kidneys had a 1-year and 5-year graft survival of 82% and 70%, respectively. Single kidneys had a 1-year and 5-year graft survival of 64% and 40%. Kidneys that avoided acute rejection episodes and that were transplanted into heavier or male recipients had better long-term survival. Kidneys from donors less than 2 years old did poorly whether transplanted en bloc or singly. Better HLA matching improved short-term, but not long-term, graft survival, whereas cold ischemic time did not have statistically significant association with differences in graft survival. Eleven percent of the transplants had ureteral leaks, but only one kidney was lost. Ten transplants had vascular complications leading to graft loss, whereas two episodes of arterial stenosis were successfully treated with percutaneous angioplasty. En bloc transplantation optimizes the outcome of transplantation with very young kidneys. We recommend induction therapy and cyclosporine immunosuppression with cyclosporine levels similar to adult target levels to minimize rejection episodes and, thus, improve outcome. These kidneys should be distributed nationally, because better HLA matching is associated with improved short-term graft survival. Our high ureteral leak rate indicates that alternatives to unstented ureteroneocystostomy should be considered.