NuclearE1Peak Energies

The peak energies Eg of electric dipole giant resonances in photonuclear reactions considerably exceed the shell-model spacings Es in the same nuclei: The discrepancy δ=(EgEs)Es is of order unity, although the giant resonances are supposed to arise mainly from transitions of nucleons between successive shells. The present note attempts to understand δ by noting that |EgEh|Eg and considering sum rule expressions for the harmonic energy Eh. These sum rule expressions are well known to yield Eh=Ed+Ex, where Ex is special to the E1 operator and the charge exchange component of nuclear forces. Theoretical and empirical arguments are adduced that (EgEs) comprises mainly Ex, plus two secondary corrections which happen practically to cancel. Comparison with experiment gives a constant Ex8 Mev and thence a satisfactory account of δ. Previous discussions of δ appear to have neglected Ex and hence have failed to obtain even the right order of magnitude of δ for real nuclei. The use of a constant Ex also allows an improved fit to the curve of σdE as a function of A. It is pointed out that the value of Ex is comparable in significance with the average nuclear potential V: By virtue of the E1 excitation mode, Ex represents the difference of even-parity and odd-parity two-nucleon interactions, while V represents a sum of even and odd interactions. The effective mass for the model ground-state wave function is treated as a derived quantity and turns out to be M*M1; this large value is attributed to a Thomas shift associated with finite nuclear boundaries.