The usual approach to analyze the linear stability of a static solution of some system of equations consists of searching for linearized solutions which satisfy suitable boundary conditions spatially and which grow exponentially in time. In the case of the n=1 Einstein–Yang–Mills (EYM) black hole, an interesting situation occurs. There exists a perturbation which grows exponentially in time−and spatially decreases to zero at the horizon−but nevertheless is physically singular on the horizon. Thus, this unstable mode is unacceptable as initial data, and the question arises as to whether the n=1 EYM black hole is stable. We analyze this issue here in the more general case of a scalar field φ satisfying the wave equation ∂2φ/∂t2 = (DaDa − V)φ on a manifold R×M, where Da is the derivative operator associated with a complete Riemannian metric on M and V is a bounded function on M whose derivatives also are bounded. We prove that if the operator A = −DaDa + V fails to be a strictly positive operator on the Hilbert space L2(M), then there exists smooth initial data of compact support in M which give rise to a solution which grows unboundedly with time. This implies that the n=1 EYM black hole and other mathematically similar systems are unstable despite the nonexistence of physically acceptable exponentially growing modes. Rigorous criteria for linear stability are also obtained.