Thyroid cancer among "liquidators" of the Chernobyl accident.

In 1986, immediately after the Chernobyl accident, the USSR Ministry of Health adopted a large scale programme of establishing an All-Union Distributed Registry of persons affected by radiation due to the accident. The registry was based at the Medical Radiological Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (MRRC RAMS). In 1992, when the USSR was dissolved, this registry database contained information on 659,000 persons, including 284,000 Chernobyl accident emergency workers ("liquidators"). Currently, the Russian National Medical Dosimetric Registry (RNMDR) contains data on 435,276 persons, including 167,862 liquidators. This paper reviews the data for 47 verified thyroid cancers in the liquidator subgroup of the RNMDR. Analyses show that there is an excess relative risk of thyroid cancer per Gy of 5.31 (95% confidence intervals 0.04 and 10.58) and an excess absolute risk of thyroid cancer per 10(4) person-years per Gy of 1.15 (95% confidence intervals 0.08 and 2.22).

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