Specific CSF-1 Binding on Murine Placental Trophoblasts and Macrophages Serves as a Link to Placental Growth

Previous studies have shown that the colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1), stimulates the in vitro proliferation of a fetally-derived adherent, phagocytic and non-specific esterase positive placental cell population which stains positively for cytokeratin and Mac-1. Binding experiments were designed to test whether this is a direct effect of the factor on these cells. Binding/elution as well as autoradiography experiments, show that adherent placental cells specifically bind CSF-1. Based on the expression of the endothelial markers cytokeratin and vimentin three subpopulations of cells were isolated from the murine placenta: labyrinthine-derived trophoblasts (cytokeratin positive, vimentin negative), spongiotrophoblast-derived trophoblasts (cytokeratin positive, vimentin negative) and placental macrophages (cytokeratin negative, vimentin positive). 3H-Thymidine incorporation assays as well as binding experiments, showed that these cells simultaneously respond to and bind the macrophage-specific factor CSF-1. Furthermore, the results indicate that isolated trophoblasts have a low rate of growth and they are very sensitive to mitogenic stimulation, whereas placental macrophages alone have a high rate of growth and therefore are less sensitive to the mitogenic stimulus. These findings are in favour of the existence of an important cytokine regulatory network in the murine placenta, where two major cell populations may collaborate possibly via soluble factors to stimulate placental growth and thus fetal development.