A compact neutron counter telescope with thick radiator (COTETRA) for fusion experiments

A new type of neutron spectrometer, which is called COTETRA (counter telescope with thick radiator), has been developed for diagnosing DT fusion plasma. It is based on the recoil proton measurement and has such advantages as: (1) direct measurement of the neutron energy without the unfolding procedure, (2) sufficiently fine energy resolution and high detection efficiency for 14 MeV neutrons, (3) wide dynamic range of counting rate, and (4) good n–γ discrimination. A prototype of COTETRA was constructed and tested using a DT neutron accelerator. The energy resolution of 5.3%±0.9% was obtained for 14 MeV neutron with the detection efficiency of 1.3×10−4 [counts/(n/cm2)]. A Monte Carlo simulation code was developed and the performances of COTETRA were examined. The calculation agrees with the results of the experiment within its margin of error and suggests that energy resolution up to 3% with a detection efficiency of 10−5 [counts/(n/cm2)] could be achieved if the condition of the radiator could be successfully adjusted.

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