Infants of diabetic mothers: radiographic manifestations

The radiographic findings of a series of infants of diabetic mothers and a review of the literature are presented to illustrate the wide spectrum of abnormalities that may be seen with this condition. Congenital anomalies of the spine and skeletal, genitourinary, and cardiovascular systems and visceral situs inversus are significantly more frequent among infants of diabetic mothers than normal. The most specific anomaly is sacral agenesis. Renal vein thrombosis and adrenal hemorrhage are also more common and may be diagnosed by sonography. Over one-half of the cases of the small left colon are associated with maternal diabetes and may be diagnosed and treated with a contrast enema. The incidence of the respiratory distress syndrome is higher in infants of diabetic mothers than other premature infants, and the disease may occur in the presence of reliable indicators of lung maturity. Other common causes of dyspnea include cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, wet lung syndrome, hyperviscosity syndrome,...