Stage I–II Low-grade Lymphomas: A prospective trial of combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Between 1984–1989, 44 patients with stage I–II low grade lymphoma were treated prospectively with sequential chemotherapy and involved-field radiotherapy. The chemotherapy was cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone, and bleomycin (COP-Bleo); doxorubicin was included (CHOP-Bleo) for patients with adverse prog-nostic features (high LDH; extranodal sites; bulky nodes). Of the 44 patients, 37 had measurable disease and all have responded. With a median follow-up of 32 months, the 5-year survival and failure-free survival were 89% and 74%, respectively. Compared to past experience with involved-field radiotherapy alone, the failure-free sur-vival is significantly better with COP-Bleo plus radiotherapy. The potentially cured fraction has risen from 40% to 74%.