Neutron depolarization in a reentrant spin-glass system: Amorphous Fe-Mn

Polarization analysis of the transmitted beam has been performed in a reentrant spin-glass system (Fe1x Mnx )75 P16 B6 Al3 for several concentrations x starting from the true ferromagnet to the true spin glass. The influence of some important parameters like the temperature, the sample thickness, the neutron wavelength, and the applied magnetic field, as well as the cooling conditions, has been checked. Large ferromagnetic domains of about 30 μm size are evident in the nonfrustrated alloy (x=0.07). In the weakly frustrated samples (0.22xx=0.30 sample, we observe a decrease of the domain size or of the internal magnetization at low temperature. The results in the weakly frustrated alloys support the coexistence at low temperature of a long-range longitudinal order together with frozen transverse spin components, in good agreement with the mean-field predictions. The limits of the infinite-range mean-field model are shown in the sample close to the critical point.