Changes in the percid community of Lake Erie from 1915 to 1975 are delineated mainly from recently published material. Sauger (Stizostedion canadense), blue pike (S. vitreum glaucum), walleye (S. vitreum vitreum), and yellow perch (Perca ftavescens) are the percids which have been affected by exploitation, eutrophication and the presence and proliferation of colonizing fish species. Changes in habitat, fishing techniques and gear have also affected percid and nonpercid interactions.Yellow perch, presently the most abundant percid, have experienced irregularity in recruitment, lack of strong year-classes, and increased exploitation. The concern over the status of yellow perch and walleye has led to some important management initiatives. Improved regulation of exploitation and present efforts by United States and Canadian government agencies to improve Great Lakes water quality, are expected to improve the success for long-term maintenance of percids in Lake Erie. Key words: Percidae, populations, Lake Erie, habitat change, exploitation, management, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum, S. canadense, S. vitreum glaucum, Perca flavescens

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