Verhalten der aeroben und anaeroben Leistungsfähigkeit chronischer Hämodialysepatienten unter einer Dauertherapie mit rekombinantem humanem Erythropoietin

In earlier studies we have shown that partial correction of anemia by recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) already after 12 weeks results in a significant increase of exercise capacity in patients on chronic hemodialysis. As causative effect increased oxygen availability with improved oxygen delivery to the tissues was assumed. To elucidate the long-term effects of a partial correction of anemia with r-HuEPO on exercise capacity, oxygen uptake at maximum exercise and at the anaerobic threshold was measured by repetitive spiroergometry. Measurements were done before, 3 months and 6 months after initiation of r-HuEPO therapy, and the results are summarized. Our results show that a long-term improvement of peripheral oxygen availability leads to a further increase of anaerobic threshold in patients on chronic hemodialysis even without a further increase of hemoglobin levels and without exercise training. It appears that elimination of the chronic hypoxic condition results in a restoration of previously diminished mitochondrial enzymes in muscle, particularly for aerobic glycolysis. Besides acute improvement of aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacity, the long-term administration of r-HuEPO with its increased anaerobic threshold enhances the patients'' everyday life working capacity.